Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord!
Jeremiah 17:7
If I really think about trusting in God, it’s easy. But when I think about my trust being the same trust of God, wow, that one’s a whole lot harder.
God gives free will for a reason. It means I can do whatever I want. It means God trusts me to make good decisions. And, well, I don’t, many times. I sin, I make mistakes, I make bad judgements. I do and say things I know I should not, even before it happens. Yet, I still do it.
And how about my own trust of people. Do I really trust everyone? Do I blindly trust those whom I’m close to, and I’m skeptical of those I do not? That’s the way I absolutely carry myself. And is that wrong? Isn’t that the world we live in today? Are we not supposed to play things safe? Would I trust everyone with my financial information? Do I trust security enough when I’m going through an airport things are going to be just fine? Do I have the trust of God when I’m allowing someone to do any task on my behalf that it’ll be completed and done the way I’m hoping.
Friends, we are blessed if we trust God has our back, and we are blessed if we have a Godly trust when it comes to reaching out. I do not hear Jerimiah saying, be unsafe. He’s simply saying, no matter what the world throws our way, we as believers, as followers of our coming Messiah, must stand firmly planted in the shining hope of our God. We must model that hope, that Godly love and light to all, even if we don’t necessarily like them or trust them.
So, this week, maybe be a little less close-hearted, close minded, even to those you’ve heard a repetitive refrain, I’ll fix it, whatever it is, and they never do. Allow yourself to be compassionate in God’s love. Have a Godly trust to know, just as you make mistakes and will disappoint God, so others will disappoint you. Yet, as we all follow Jesus, may we remember, he trusts we’ll come to him when we’re weak. And by his grace and strength, we can trust that no matter what, there’s always hope, there’s always life, and only in him, both of those things are unending and unfailing!
To God be the glory!
Pastor Brandon