My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness! 2 Corinthians 12:9
To admit I cannot do something is completely not the culture we live in. But even worse, to admit I’m weak, I’m not feeling strong, I’m left searching, now that can be much tougher. How many of us are jumping for joy to admit, we don’t know, we feel less than capable. I especially find that in the workforce when everyone is expected to just know the answers. I also sense it especially among many younger people who just think they know everything, and wow, they’re surprised when they, gulp, cannot do something. And I notice it with people who’ve been around a while, who think they have everything figured out and may be experts in a certain area, then wow, something happens health wise which makes them powerless, or they’re rendered incapable anymore. It’s sad in many cases.
Friends, the truth is, we’re all going to be weak. It’s not if it happens, it’s when it happens. So, what do we do with our weakness? To me it’s pretty simple, we need to remember it’s okay, to not be perfect, even to be weak in some areas. Jesus invites that here, doesn’t he? Paul says, we should boast in our weaknesses, even be thankful for them because without them, we really wouldn’t need the power of Jesus.
I love how Paul is reminding the Corinthian church Jesus showers continual grace upon them even as they may feel like individually, they are weak, and their mission as a church may seem weak. Is that not the state of today’s church? Many of us feel we just cannot make any inroads in the twenty first century any more with the gospel message. Yet here’s Jesus saying, my grace is sufficient, and we need not be perfect ourselves, or judge others for their weaknesses.
So, friends together, amidst our weaknesses, here comes Jesus still offering that blessed assurance today. Here comes Jesus inviting us to be weak, so he can help us be strong! Here comes Jesus saying, do not be afraid to be weak, for I am strong, and my grace is here and available for even you!
I pray each of you will feel that this week, friends. Maybe we can give thanks to the Lord for making us weak. Thank you, I couldn’t do this. Thank you, I don’t know this. Thank you for not giving me the ability to accomplish this task right now. Yes, Lord, thank you for helping me realize I need you! May that be our prayer in some form so we can all experience the strength, the ultimate strength and love of the greatest forgiver and only Savior there is!
To God be the glory! Pastor Brandon